Junior European Cup Relay (01/10/2016)
Kategori: Competition
Harita/bölge: South Achray
Ülke: Scotland, GB
Disiplin: Relay
Ayak: 3, last le
Mesafe: 2.71 km
Zaman: 14:41
20th place (27 teams), 20'31'' behind winner Switzerland 1.

Unfortunately not the best start of my teammates. However I still wanted to race fast! Somehow could not manage to get in the right flow and orienteer accurate. My performance matched our teams...

Felt like ski-orienteering at the beginning, that was just about running.
However, mistake at
#3 could not understand the contours in the terrain,
#8 overlooked the passing right below the line,
#11 had problems to keep my direction while running to the river. Actually didn't pass the stream across the bridge.
#12 - #18 to weak to run fast in the tough marches that day

This kind of performaces should get analysed, but afterwards one has to forget, in order to be ready for the next competitions.
Therefore, our teams afternoon trip to Stirling castle was perfect!
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Junior European Cup Relay (01/10/2016) Junior European Cup Relay (01/10/2016)